Paramount Pictures released the movie musical White Christmas in 1954. Directed by Michael Curtiz, the film starred Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen, and featured 17 songs by Irving Berlin. The top moneymaker of 1954, White Christmas set a new record as Hollywood’s all-time highest-grossing musical.
The stage adaptation of White Christmas opened on Broadway at the Marquis Theatre on November 4, 2008, after several successful engagements throughout the United States. Directed by Walter Bobbie and starring Stephen Bogardus, Jeffry Denman, Kerry O’Malley and Meredith Patterson, the show was an audience favorite; it returned to Broadway the following year, starring James Clow, Tony Yazbeck, Melissa Errico and Mara Davi.
Runtime: OCT 19-29, 2023